Sunday, 18 December 2016

Yo-yo Gospel

When I was in Primary School during the yo-yo years of the 1970s, I was the proud owner of a Coca Cola yo-yo.   I could do all sorts of tricks with it.   It was made of glass, was a good weight and felt great in the hand.   Other kids had yo-yos too, but no-one had a Coca Cola yo-yo like mine.   I was generous and shared it around, letting others use it.  Some could also do tricks, and I liked to see the delight on their faces when they used the glass Coca Cola yo-yo.  For them, it was like getting off a skateboard and onto a hoverboard.   The glass yo-yo was very advanced compared with the common plastic models!   Many kids liked it, but one lusted after it - he had an unhealthy desire to own it.

One day, my yo-yo was stolen when I was at school.   I knew who stole my yo-yo.   He'd lusted after it for weeks.   He claimed to be my friend.   He also claimed his dad bought him a Coca-Cola yo-yo on the day mine was stolen.   Although I was only 8 years old, I understood the concept of James' explanation of unchecked temptation leading to death:
... each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.   Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.  (James 1:14-15 NIV)
In Genesis 4:7, God addressed Cain on the topic of sin and temptation:
... if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it. (NIV)
Sadly, Cain was only walking in the steps of his parents who failed to resist temptation in Genesis 3 and caused a severed relationship from God for all of mankind (the fall).

Todd Friel (of Wretched Radio) has an analogy that explains how Genesis 3, an ancient chinese toy and the theft of my yo-yo in 1977 all link together. 

You can see his presentation here:

As you watch this presentation, remember the key words:  severed relationship and fall.

It's another great analogy for the tool-kit!

Not this kind of yo-yo!