This chart shows major bible events in a timeline format, including the important events of the Jewish Nation throughout history, and the relevance of the Jewish Feasts as they look forward to future events. Some have been fulfilled, and some are yet to be fulfilled.
Many things about end-times are not covered in this chart, for example the battles of Gog and Magog, and Armageddon, the timeline of the Antichrist's final activities, the Two Witnesses, the Beast and many other parts of Ezekiel, Daniel and other OT prophets, the devil's judgment and eternal punishment, and Revelation of course! But they are charts for another day!
The bible teaches us of an imminent and physical return of the Lord Jesus to claim His Bride, the Church (that is, all believers). Those believers who have died (the dead in Christ, 1 Th. 4:16) will first meet Him in the air, then those believers who are still alive. This will all happen in an instance, at a time that is designated and known only to God the Father. I am looking forward to that day!
Jesus will return for the church before the Tribulation and Millenial Kingdom; God's plans for Israel are currently "on hold" during the Church Age, Daniel's 70th Week will commence immediately following the rapture of the church, and Jesus will physically return at the end of the Tribulation period, at which time He will claim His Crown as the King of Israel and all of the earth, first for 1000 years, then for eternity.
I hope and pray that this chart will assist you in your sincere searching and studies of the scriptures.