Monday, 16 October 2023

Jewish Feasts: Shadows into Sharpness


When you look closely, the Jewish Feasts have ongoing relevance for the future and are far more than simple tradition alone; they are feasts appointed by God Himself (Lev. 23:2, Ezek. 44:24). They all point to Jesus as Messiah in some context.

The exception is the Feast of Purim which I do not see having a fulfilment, but it is a memorial celebration of God's protection and deliverance of the Jewish people from whom the Messiah Himself came. 

As is always a bible study principle, Old Testament fulfillment is in light of the New Testament.

If we have pointers, we should look to see where they are pointing.

To use a hunting analogy: there is no point using a pointing gun dog if you don't take notice of the indications.

Likewise, in many places God's Word points to future events, and we are to study the scriptures and take particular note of the future; the Jewish feasts are no exception.

Jewish Feasts chart created by Toward the Goal. You are welcome to share it (referencing this site), download it and/or improve it for your personal use.