Saturday, 4 June 2016

1 Peter 5:8-9 and James 3:1- A Warning

We were recently challenged by a list of attributes of Godly men to test ourselves against (  Today’s email from me is not so much a challenge, but a warning along the lines of 1 Peter 5:8-9

The first link below is to an article in this week’s Christianity Today magazine in which the Board of Elders at The Journey mega-church has announced Senior Pastor Darrin Patrick’s removal from office.   This also appears to have an impact on his Acts 29 Leadership role as well.  

The second link is the letter from the Board of Elders to the church family.   It is a very sad letter, but this letter is so well written that I want to draw your attention to it.   I have some of Patrick’s books and I’m familiar with his work.   Whilst it is sad to see such a man as Darrin Patrick (or any person at all) fall from leadership, this is not the exact focus of my email - rather the depth of love, compassion and biblical accountability of the men of the Elderships referenced in the letter.   You will need to read the letter to understand, and will not get the impact of this email if you don’t read both links!   They have battled with an unbiblical situation for a number of years, addressed problems and required biblical accountability.   They have made a biblical stand in difficult circumstances, but have not compromised.

Let me remind each one of us (myself included) that according to James 3:1, teaching elders will be judged more strictly.   We must not compromise.

Give thanks for men like the Elders at The Journey who are willing to search, know, live and teach the scriptures, unwilling to compromise, and fulfil their roles in love.   Pray also that we, here, will also be uncompromising in our lives and biblical leadership.   I believe that as we do this, in obedience to our callings, God will grow His church in a mighty way.

