Monday, 18 March 2024

Colossians 2 Chiasm

A chiasm or chiastic structure is a literary form used in scripture to point to a key verse or theme of a passage and uses a reflective structure in which concepts seen in the passage form pairs. These pairs are recorded below as A and A' through to I which is the key theme of the section. 

A chiasm is helpful for drawing out specific points or making an outline for teaching or preaching. Developing a chiasm generally occurs by following an expositional process and noting repeated, recurring, or reflected themes, and may not be limited to just a chapter of scripture. A chiasm may cross from one chapter to another, or be restricted to only a section of a chapter. When identifying and recording a chiasm, it is helpful to first study the chapter (asking the Holy Spirit for guidance and teaching) by recording observations and concepts. Refine the concepts of each verse, and create a statement for each concept.

Just like any dedicated study of scripture, identifying a chiasm is a slow and intentional process. The following chiasm from Colossians 2:4-23 took 3 weeks of study and numerous iterations. It points to the saving work of Christ, possible only through His preeminence (the big picture of Colossians; 1:15-20, 2:9) and His power and authority (key theme of chapter 2).


Colossians 2:4-23


A    v4                Take warning against deceptive teaching

    B    v5                Faith in Christ is a firm foundation

        C    vv6-7            Behave according to the faith you have been taught

            D    v8                Beware of humanistic philosophy leading you away from Christ

                E    v9                All truth is found in Christ Who is God Himself

                    F    v10            You have been made complete by Christ's authority

                        G    v11            The sin nature has been defeated through Christ by circumcision of the heart

                            H    v12            God's resurrection power reconciles us

                                I    v13                God made you alive, by grace, forgiving your sins

                            H'    v14            Our debt was removed by the cross

                        G'    v15            Spiritual opposition has been defeated through Christ's victory at the cross

                    F'    v16            New life in Christ brings new rules

                E'    v17            The old rules point to Christ, to whom the body belongs

            D'    v18            Beware deceptive philosophies imposing man's judgment

        C'    v19            Stop ignoring Christ who is the Head of the Church and the true growth source

    B'    v20            Humanistic decrees are worldly

A'    vv21-23    Manmade rules are worthless religion and pointless for Christian living

I trust that this small study in Colossians will help and encourage you in your Christian walk.