A quick search on YouTube of the word "karma" gives a result of 8.5 million videos. Many of these show someone "getting what they deserve". A Google search of "karma" gives 189,000,000 results.
You can even buy a GoPro Drone named "Karma". There is a very sinister reason why GoPro chose this name.
In a media Q&A session in October 2016, GoPro CEO Nick Woodman ... took a philosophical approach ... “We believe that when people share experiences, those experiences become more meaningful to the people that capture them,” Woodman said. “GoPro enables people to share experiences in such a way that the people who are receiving that story, in some ways, feel as though they experienced it themselves. Because the story was not captured from the sidelines, the story was captured from within the experience. So in this way, GoPro is an experience-transfer company. An experience-sharing company. And there’s an energy transfer in that. A chi transfer in that to a certain degree, potentially, a karma transfer to that.” From http://mashable.com/2016/09/20/why-gopro-drone-called-karma/#OWWOqV5BaPqkI realise that Woodman's explanation is a mish-mash of eastern mystic concepts with his attempt to roll karma and chi transfers into one transaction, but let's just focus on the karma part in this blog!
Carm.org defines the law of karma as a hindu concept in which "every thought or deed, whether they are good or bad, will count in determining how an individual will be born in their next life on earth", so intertwines consequences of actions with reincarnation.
The law of karma teaches that a person will be judged by their life on earth, and the "balance" of their actions will be either good or bad; there will be a credit or a debit. A debit result dictates a return to a worse or lower form of life, but a credit result will provide rebirth at a higher form or in a higher caste.
As with all cults and false religions, there is an element of truth and an element of deception. Only through examination of the teaching carefully measured with the bible, can we discern the truth.
We see the fall of man in Genesis chapter 3, and from that point forward, all of mankind has been born with sin nature. Romans 3:23 and other verses tell us that everyone has a sin problem; there is none without sin (except Jesus - see Hebrews 4:15)
As there is none without sin, and the punishment for sin is death (Romans 6:23), man has a problem when it comes to his relationship with God. Man's relationship with God was severed. But in His grace, God sent His Son Jesus to take our place. Jesus took all of mankind's sin upon Himself and opened the way for a restored relationship between God and man. If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Rom. 10:9, NIV).
So we see that it is by grace alone that man is saved. Not by works. (See Ephesians 2:8-9). Karma is a works-based philosophy that is without hope; there is no concept of restoration or redemption during the current life, so sin can not be atoned for. Contrast this with salvation by the grace of God, which removes sin in its entirety and gives perfect hope.
So how does the concept of karma enter into western thinking? It has probably crept in over the centuries as people travel and bring back eastern concepts, but also in a rapidly changing world we have much more cross-cultural experience and multi-ethnic communities. As I stated earlier, there is an element of truth and an element of deception. We've seen that the element of deception is false hope; a false hope for a better life.
The element of truth is seen in Galatians 6:7b: "A man reaps what he sows." People love to see evil men being dealt with justly, but they prefer not to acknowledge the truth of the bible, otherwise they feel that they will have to deal with their own relationship with God, so it's easier to embrace an empty philosophy that feels good at the time. Watching a bully get punched in the face by the victim, or an armed robber who has his firearm turned back on him make people feel good without any personal conviction or examination.
Food for thought: maybe the application for believers is to embrace the enthusiasm of our friends when they talk about "karma" in the sense that justice is being administered by circumstances, and use this as an opportunity to point them to the truth of God's Word and His ultimate judgment. For, make no mistake: God will not be mocked (Gal. 6:7a)
PS: Apparently having a GoPro makes me a hero